payments infrastructure a public utility and prevent big banks from gaining a monopoly.” The Massachusetts lawmaker, along with Senator Chris Van Hollen of Maryland and two House Democrats, plans to introduce a bill Wednesday that would require the Fed to build a competing system. wants the Federal Reserve to join the fray. But they’re at odds over whether it’s a good idea to let big banks, which already have one up and running, reign supreme…. Everyone agrees that creating such networks is necessary. “At issue is the development of real-time payment systems that would allow consumers and businesses to instantly access money that’s sent to their bank accounts. Warren (D)(1): “Elizabeth Warren Wants to Stop Banks From Dominating Trillions in Payments”. Sanders has been on the network at least nine times this cycle.” “The backlash from Sanders-world reached a new high on Sunday, when MSNBC analyst Mimi Rocah, a former assistant U.S attorney for the Southern District of New York and occasional contributor to The Daily Beast, launched a personal critique of Sanders during a segment with host David Gura, saying that he makes her “skin crawl” and that he’s not a ‘pro-woman candidate.’… A senior campaign aide said the campaign believes there are possible biases in the network, but instead of shunning MSNBC they’ve been aggressive in getting their people booked. Sanders (D)(1): “Tensions Between Bernie Sanders and MSNBC Boil Over”. “2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination” (average of five polls). “They had one weapon left and both knew it: treachery.” –Frank Herbert, Dune “But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature?” –James Madison, Federalist 51