If a TCS Radio Net Member wants me to post some information, which would be relevant for other Radio Net Hams to read, please pass it to me.

K4RMC assisgned by the Navy TWS WebMaster as the Administrator for the Tin Can Sailors Radio Net Asso- page / updates / sitreps. NetControl Op & NetCoor: Bob Wheaton W5XW. Net Secretary: Tom Ryan N6NPG(1998-Present) 2. For address info of below Hams, visit QRZ.com and type in their CallSign. Net Secretary 1995-1998: Alan King AA7ZI. Being net control is rewarding and not overly. The particular park could make a difference, if its in a 'most wanted grid square'. Ive made 100 mile contacts summit to summit with 5 watt handhelds on both ends, but you NEED the elevation to make that happen. Net Founder: Bill Plage(passed-SK) W4DQT. A great way to provide a public service and maintain your skill as an operator is to be a net control station. On 2m, try SOTA if youre in an area where thats possible. We also have an active-duty US Coast Guard member. We also have a former Marine, former Army missile control officer, as well as active duty destroyermen and retired Tin Can Sailors. The clean dry sheets were great and the chow was even better," he commented. Be as concise as possible as you conduct the net. Remember, there will likely be people waiting for the net. "It was the most welcome sight I had ever seen coming towards me and I spent 5 of the most wonderful days of my life on that destroyer. To begin a scheduled weekly net you will: Get the latest copy of the Net Script. We have as members a former USAF pilot who was shot down over Korea and was pulled from the drink by a destroyer (USS STORMES). The net has gained popularity over the years with a current roster of 495 TCSNet hams, although the net is not made up of only USN types. at 20:00Z with Bill as its first Net Control Station (NCS). The first session was held Augon its current operating frequency of 14.255 MHz. Bill Plage (W4DQT) in Atlanta, GA responded to the call and contacted some known TCS hams and organized a net. OUT.In April 1992, a member of Tin Can Sailors wrote an article in the TCS newspaper suggesting that it might be an idea to organize amateur radio operators who were Tin Can Sailors. If you want to know more about Amateur Radio visit our website at or This is N5LEA closing the Lea County Amateur Radio Net. Don’t forget about the “Eat & Greet” at (Location of meeting) at 6:00 p.m. I wish to thank everyone who participated and ask you to join us again. providing there are no other events taking place during this time. This is N5LEA net control for the Lea County Amateur Radio Net. After starting the net, there are no check-ins witiin five minutes close the net. Using your discretion you may close the net when there are fewer than three check-ins (yourself included), or if it “feels” like the net is slowing down. Place all new check-ins at the top of the log. Once you reach the bottom of the log ask for check-ins. Please remember it you need to check out use your call sign and “check-out” so we can remove you from rotation and continue the net. At that time the net will become directed until released by net control.Īt this time is there anyone with announcements?Īt this time is there anyone who wishes to check in and out early?Īt this time we are accepting check-ins. If there is anyone with an emergency say “Break Break”. This will allow the link systems to reset and allow other check-ins or emergency traffic. This net uses the “Round-Robin” format do not call out of turn unless it is an emergency. On the first Tuesday of each month we have an “Eat & Greet” at (Location of meeting) usually starting at 6:00 p.

Anyone with a valid amateur radio license is welcome to participate in this net.

to discuss topics of interest relating to the spirit of Amateur Radio. This net meets on Monday Nights at 7:00 p.m. This is N5LEA calling together the Lea County Amateur Radio Net.