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Yazdi AS, Ghoreschi K (2016) The interleukin-1 family. Li M, Raheem MA, Han C et al (2020) The fowl adenovirus serotype 4 ( FAdV-4) induce cellular pathway in chickens to produce interferon and antigen-presented molecules ( MHCI / II ). Wei S, Ma W, Zhang B, Li W (2021) NLRP3 inflammasome: a promising therapeutic target for drug-induced toxicity. Srinivasula SM, Poyet JL, Razmara M et al (2002) The PYRIN-CARD protein ASC is an activating adaptor for caspase-1. Li R, Li G, Lin J et al (2018) Fowl adenovirus serotype 4 SD0828 infections causes high mortality rate and cytokine levels in specific pathogen-free chickens compared to ducks. Meng K, Yuan X, Yu J, et al (2019) Identification, Pathogenicity of Novel Fowl Adenovirus Serotype 4 SDJN0105 in Shandong, China and Immunoprotective Evaluation of the Newly Developed Inactivated Oil-emulsion FAdV-4 Vaccine. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis 68:101404. Zhao W, Li X, Li H et al (2020) Fowl adenoviruse-4 infection induces strong innate immune responses in chicken. īrownlie R, Zhu J, Allan B et al (2009) Chicken TLR21 acts as a functional homologue to mammalian TLR9 in the recognition of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides. Higgs R, Cormican P, Cahalane S et al (2006) Induction of a novel chicken Toll-like receptor following Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium infection. Nawab A, An L, Wu J et al (2019) Chicken toll-like receptors and their significance in immune response and disease resistance. Ĭhen S, Cheng A, Wang M (2013) Innate sensing of viruses by pattern recognition receptors in birds. īrownlie R, Allan B (2011) Avian toll-like receptors. Neerukonda SN, Katneni U (2020) Avian pattern recognition receptor sensing and signaling. Su Q, Meng F, Li Y et al (2019) Chicken infectious anemia virus helps fowl adenovirus break the protection of maternal antibody and cause inclusion body hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome in layers after using co-contaminated Newcastle disease virus-attenuated vaccine. Toro H, González O, Escobar C et al (2001) Vertical induction of the inclusion body hepatitis/hydropericardium syndrome with fowl adenovirus and chicken anemia virus. Su Q, Li Y, Meng F et al (2018) Newcastle disease virus-attenuated vaccine co-contaminated with fowl adenovirus and chicken infectious anemia virus results in inclusion body hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome in poultry. Jiang Z, Liu M, Wang C et al (2019) Characterization of fowl adenovirus serotype 4 circulating in chickens in China. Yan T, Zhu S, Wang H et al (2020) Synergistic pathogenicity in sequential coinfection with fowl adenovirus type 4 and avian orthoreovirus. Ojkic D, Martin E, Swinton J et al (2008) Genotyping of Canadian isolates of fowl adenoviruses. Niu Y, Sun Q, Zhang G et al (2018) Epidemiological investigation of outbreaks of fowl adenovirus infections in commercial chickens in China. Schonewille E, Singh A, Göbel TW et al (2008) Fowl adenovirus (FAdV) serotype 4 causes depletion of B and T cells in lymphoid organs in specific pathogen-free chickens following experimental infection. Wang Z, Zhao J (2019) Pathogenesis of hypervirulent fowl adenovirus serotype 4: the contributions of viral and host factors. Niu YJ, Sun W, Zhang GH et al (2016) Hydropericardium syndrome outbreak caused by fowl adenovirus serotype 4 in China in 2015. Shah MS, Ashraf A, Khan MI et al (2017) Fowl adenovirus: history, emergence, biology and development of a vaccine against hydropericardium syndrome. Schachner A, Matos M, Grafl B, Hess M (2018) Fowl adenovirus-induced diseases and strategies for their control-a review on the current global situation. Hess M (2000) Detection and differentiation of avian adenoviruses: a review. The present review provides a detailed summary of the current findings on cytokine production induced by FAdV-4 infection to accelerate our understanding of FAdV-4 pathogenesis. Several previous studies have addressed the immune responses to FAdV-4 infection, but there has not been a systematic review of this work. Understanding of the roles of cytokines produced during FAdV-4 infection is important for the study of pathogenicity and for developing strategies to control FAdV-4.

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However, excessive inflammatory cytokine secretion could contribute to the pathogenesis of FAdV-4. Host immunity acts as one of the most robust defense mechanisms against infection by pathogens, and cytokines are important in their elimination. Despite the severe inflammatory damage observed in chickens infected with pathogenic FAdV-4, few studies have focused on the host immune system-virus interactions and cytokine secretion. Currently, the exact mechanism of pathogenesis of FAdV-4 remains unknown. Hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome (HHS), caused by fowl adenovirus serotype 4 (FAdV-4), has spread on chicken farms worldwide, causing huge economic losses.

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